Seena B. Frost

Seena B. Frost, M. Div., M.A. studied theology at Yale Divinity School, married, raised four children, and then received a Master’s degree in psychology from Santa Clara University. She was a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Special trainings with Jean Houston and Robin Van Doren inspired the combining of three of her life passions: spirituality, psychotherapy, and creativity. The SoulCollage® process and book have issued from this magical mix. Seena is the founder of a world-wide, rapidly growing, intuitive collage movement called SoulCollage®, a collage method incorporating images, imagination, and intuition.

“The intention of SoulCollage®: to offer a creative practice for exploring, healing and evolving our many-faceted Souls so every Soul is able to manifest its unique SoulEssence in increasingly balanced and joy-filled forms.” ~ Seena Frost

Seena Frost is the author of the SoulCollage® Evolving book, 8 CDs, and Journal of a Steadfast Fence. Learn more about Seena and SoulCollage® at

“A National Treasure!” – After experiencing the founder of SoulCollage®, Seena Frost, at a SoulCollage® Facilitator Training, a newly trained SoulCollage® Facilitator exclaimed, “Seena is a national treasure!” Seena’s love of play, creativity, and Spirit is contagious. Her wisdom and compassion offer an easy and enjoyable gateway for many people into self-discovery and self-cherishing.

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