This is The Breathwork Experience by Kylea Taylor in Italian.
L’Esperienza della Olotropica: Esplorazione e Guarigione negli Stati Non Ordinari di Coscienza
“Tratto da Molti anni di intensa esperienza terapeutica e da un’intima conoscenza personale degli stati non ordinari di coscienza, Kylea Taylor ha creato un manuale prezioso per professionisti, clienti, e studenti della coscienza. Scritto con uno stile chiaro ed accattivante, L’Esperienza della Olotropica e una miniera di emportanti informazioni professionali, cosi come di una profounda saggezza.”
(1994) 6 x 9; 184 pp; softcover, perfect bound
Kylea Taylor, M.S. ha lavorato nel campo del recupero dalle tossicodipendenze dal 1970. E’anche l’autrice diThe Ethics of Caring: Honoring the Web of LIfe in Our Professional Healing Relationships e di Exploring Holotropic Breathwork.
Kylea Taylor is a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC# 34901). She earned a Master of Science degree from San Jose State University, San Jose, CA in Marriage, Child, and Family Counseling. She has worked as a counselor in the addictions and trauma recovery field since 1970 and was the executive director of a community counseling program for sixteen years. Kylea has been studying the theory and practice of therapeutic work with clients in non-ordinary states of consciousness with Stanislav and Christina Grof since 1984, with particular interest in the effect of non-ordinary states on trauma recovery and the phenomena and healing potential of Kundalini. After completing the Grofs’ first three-year training program in the United States, she was certified as a Holotropic Breathwork Practitioner and assisted Stanislav Grof in facilitating large group Holotropic Breathwork workshops and trainings both in the United States and in other countries.
Kylea’s books include: The Ethics of Caring, The Breathwork Experience, Exploring Holotropic Breathwork™, and Considering Holotropic Breathwork™. She has written numerous articles and conducted workshops in the USA and abroad.
Visit Kylea at for information about her therapy practice and other work.