We all have different reactions to movies. Really paying attention to those unique responses is a yoga, or practice. Tav Sparks says we can learn a lot about ourselves just by watching movies with our inner Awareness Positioning System, turned on.
Once we know how to look for it, we can discover our own lives playing out in film, frame by frame. Not only can we do this, we can have fun doing it while enjoying ourselves in the theater, on the couch, and talking it over with our movie buddies. Sparks talks about his passion for movies, describes a template that applies to every film, and inspires us to look at movies in a brand new way.
“Movies have absolutely blessed my life. For me, movie theaters aren’t just popcorn and M&M hide-outs. They are temples. They are altars. They are the halls of mystery. They’ve become the sanctuary where I go to find myself, to change, to grow. And lose myself, too, to die and be reborn. Who would have thought? One of my most intense passions, movies, has given me over and over again crystal clear glimpses of a wholeness within me, and all kinds of clues about how to make the odyssey toward that wholeness.”
~ Tav Sparks
Tav Sparks is a writer, international workshop leader, and Director of Grof Transpersonal Training, a program offering certification in Holotropic Breathwork™. For nearly 25 years he has worked therapeutically with people in non-ordinary states of consciousness. He is the author of Movie Yoga: How Every Film Can Change Your Life. His writing also includes screenplays, the poetry book, Through Thunder, and the training manual Doing Not Doing: A Facilitator’s Guide to Holotropic Breathwork. A pioneer in the field of the wellness perspective in addiction, he is the author of the groundbreaking work, The Wide Open Door, the Twelve Steps, Spiritual Tradition, and the New Psychology. He lives in Mill Valley, California, with his wife, Cary, and son, Bryn. His son, Ason, and his grandsons, Dallin and Kellin, live in Georgia. Learn more about Tav at