We can ship to almost any country in the world. However, shipping prices have become very expensive for international shipments, and we are often seeing very long delays in delivery times, especially with COVID. Also, in some countries postal service is not reliable, and we cannot guarantee the safe arrival of you package (see below for more information). We ship via postal service airmail, and packages can arrive within a week or two if things go well. However, we have also seen delays as long as two months for arrival, as packages sit in various transit points along the way for long periods of time, so please be prepared to wait at least this amount of time for your package.
Also note that your package may experience delays in Customs in the delivery country, and that you may be required to pay Customs Duty on your package. We will provide a sales receipt showing the contents and value of the merchandise in order to facilitate the customs process, but please be aware that we have no control over the customs process, which is different in every country. Please be alert for any notifications from your Customs department or Postal Service which might require you to contact them and make payment of Customs Duty before the package is released to you.
Shipments to many countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America are sometimes lost in transit and never arrive at their destination. We cannot guarantee delivery of packages shipped to countries outside of Canada, Australia, and Western Europe. We do ship via postal service airmail and will provide tracking for these orders, but we cannot take responsibility for packages that are not delivered. All of our audio products and some of our books are available digitally, and we recommend this option if you are located in an area where shipping is not reliable.